Endurance - The key ingredrient

Given a thought, ' endurance', which seems to be a very common word, has  very powerful meaning with huge impact on our lives. As the dictionary says - its the ability to pass through the tough situation, I believe it has much more meaning to it. Endurance is one of the most important ability which one needs to develop for success in any sphere of life.
Most of us are always enduring in a situation. We have been taught like that but most of the time we give up and when we do, we fail.
In many societies where there is oppression of any kind, of a community or a particular gender they are taught from very beginning to endure the nonsense and avoid the situation, so that there are no bigger issues. One of the examples is from Khalid Hossini's Book where a particular female mentioned that her mother taught her from very beginning that she should not fight against his husband or any male for that matter. That males in Sharia law have supremacy over females, they have all the right to hit the women, and women are not allowed even to roam around. To avoid any conflict or worse situation, girls are taught to endure. This kind of endurance is more of ignoring a particular behavior or situation just to survive. What would be the amount of mental strength required to endure situation like this. While enduring the person has to perform all tasks which required even more strength.
In our personal lives endurance plays a very big role, when a person is sick or has a chronic disease everybody endures in the family. In case of cancer its almost like an elephant in the room but no one talks about it. Everybody endures, the sick one endures from body & mind, and all the whole family endures mentally, financially and in many other ways. Many people break in these situations but some, who endure mentally also endure physically and get well. Again its the mind which endures first and then the body, as they say, if one is having will power he will overcome the sickness.
What happens when you move into a new job, new house, new locality, make new friends, enter a college, change your school, marry someone, remarry someone - you endure. Initially you understand the person, environment, locality. sometimes you forget your way home, you ask someone, stuck in a traffic jam, don't like some habits of your partners, unable to make any friends.
Endurance is also a key ability required to succeed in a particular business or venture. The amount of pain one goes through, different kind of pressures related to finance, work, competition and family try to break one down. There are a few who endure through this and succeed. I believe we endure everyday through different situations, physically or mentally. No matter what we do and where we live endurance is whats keeping us going.

If you can Endure, You can win.


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